The Rituals

  • 60-min Ritual ($150)

    Great for people who are seeking relief from chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and other physical issues that need regular monthly sessions.

  • 75-min Ritual ($180)

    Ideal for clients who are interested in trauma work or may have suffered from an accident and have structural issues. Also recommended for anyone needing oral work for things like TMJ dysfunction.

  • Personal Ritual (TBD)

    If you need a longer craniosacral session for any other reason, please email me with your specific needs.

What to know about your craniosacral session.

All you do is relax.

Wear soft, comfortable clothing (no jeans). The practitioner will help you settle on the table with heat adjustment, pillows, eye cover, and bolster, if needed. Try to bring an open mind and let go of expectations.

You are in full control of your session.

Remember that the paradigm of craniosacral is that you are the healer, not the therapist. The session begins with a full body assessment from feet to head, then the therapist follows the body accordingly. But if you don’t like the spot they choose, tell them. You get images or flashbacks, feel free to share or not share. Ask questions if you get curious, or ask to be silent if you prefer a more meditative experience. You are 100% in charge!

Integration is key.

As with any journey, integration is 90% of the game. Try to take the rest of the day off or go for a walk afterwards. Accessing any creativity (e.g. drawing your session) is quite helpful in the process of embodiment. Try to avoid staring at the screen or getting on the phone afterwards. Stay in your body as much as possible.